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Are you a patient looking for care?

Find the right doctor for you

How BookDoc Drives Customers to You

Listing your clinic online enhances visibility, builds trust, and attracts more patients

Patients can effortlessly
search for a doctor

Establish your presence as
one of the skilled doctors.

Patients can access our
simple booking page

Time slots enhances patients’
comfort during their visit.

Doctors get notifications
for appointments

A streamlined appointment
system to manage a clinic.

Why Providers Loves BookDoc

Enhance & elevate your clinic’s management

Join Our Panel Network

Showcase your practice to millions of people searching for care on BookDoc’s trusted platform.

Easy, Instant Access to Patient Records

The Doctors’ portal provides access to patient records & appointment anytime, anywhere, with internet connectivity.

Establish A Virtual Clinic

Track your meals, get feedback and enhance eating habits for better health.

Booking Management

Effortlessly plan your day, minimize last-minute cancellations, and easily adjust appointments.

Engage & Educate the Community

We showcase articles & events hosted by Healthcare Providers to our user base of +1.5 million, offering easy event registration!

Wellness Marketplace

A platform for hospitals & clinics to list health products & services, including screening packages, treatments, vaccinations & more.

E-Prescription Efficiency

Enhances workflow by reducing time and minimizing errors associated with conventional prescriptions.

Medicine Delivery Convenience

Improves patient experience by offering doorstep delivery of medications, ensuring convenience and accessibility.

Our Partners and Clients

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