What We Can Do For You
Our Search & Book feature enables you to book appointments at any time of the day for healthcare practitioners of your choice according to specialism and location.
Alternatively, you can have consultations with our healthcare professionals via chat and video from the convenience of your homes by using the Tele-Consult feature.
Besides that, we also rewards you for staying active through the Activ feature. By achieving a certain number of daily average steps per month, you can redeem rewards from our 100+ Activ reward partners.
Gain access to more patients while enjoying our easy-to-use appointment booking system and special doctors’ portal which allows for better appointment management and instant access to patient information. In addition, our inbuilt appointment confirmation and reminders system will significantly reduce the no-show rate among patients.
The many integrated features in our app make it simple and convenient for patients to book doctor appointments and travel to and from your hospital/clinic, even from overseas. At the touch of a button, patients can gain access to third-party apps such as Grab, Waze, Agoda and Malindo, providing patients a seamless, hassle-free experience from start to finish.
Employers benefit from a streamlined employee claims management system which tracks real-time utilization and generates time and cost savings while reducing abuse. Employees, on the other hand, can monitor their entitlements and are looked after through health coaching, virtual challenges and access to a health-centric online marketplace.