The month of October is dedicated to Breast Cancer Awareness. It is the top 3 most common types of cancer in women in Malaysia. There is a myth that “sugar feeds cancer” but it is just not that simple. Cancer cells use up about 200 times more energy than normal cells. This discovery in the 1920s gave rise to the idea of the myth. The truth is, all body cells, including cancer cells rely on sugar as an energy source and there are still many ongoing discussions among different professionals. In a nutshell, here are 4 ways to reduce the risk for breast cancer.
1. Practice a good dietary pattern
The golden plate rule: quarter-quarter-half; Quarter plate of carbohydrates, quarter plate of protein and half plate of fiber. Try to mix up the different varieties of food to get all the nourishment!
2. Practice a healthy lifestyle
Being physically active improves your brain health, helps with weight management and reduces stress too.
3. Maintain a normal BMI
Try to keep track of your weight at least once a month. It acts as the first line of health indicator to many chronic diseases.
4. Refrain from alcohol
Alcohol will cause damage to our DNA, resulting in genetic mutation. This mutation might prevent our cells from repairing the damage in our body, and increases the chance of the growth of cancerous cells.