Corporate Wellness – BookDoc Your Mobile Healthcare Companion Fri, 17 Nov 2023 02:37:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 5-A-Day Checklist for Healthier Life Thu, 19 Oct 2023 01:50:11 +0000

Based on findings by NHMS (2019), only 5% of Malaysians achieve the recommended intake for fruits and vegetables. It is important to consume fruits and vegetables within the recommended intake which aids in weight management and disease prevention.


A serving of vegetables is approximately one cup of raw vegetables or 1/2 cup of cooked vegetables. Meanwhile, for fruits, it is one medium or one slice of any fruit.


Here are some ideas on how to get the most out of five servings a day. Consuming them fresh, frozen, tinned, dried, or even juice it out.

In a nutshell, achieving 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day seems hard at first but knowing the benefits gained from it should be our inspiration to incorporate them into our eating habits. Fruits and vegetables contain combinations of fibre, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals which are vital in maintaining our overall long-term health.

Healthy Workplace, Healthy Employees Thu, 19 Oct 2023 01:48:43 +0000

Every year of 28 April is the annual celebration for Safety and Health at Work, in line to promote the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases globally. 

The Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is widely known with physical hazard such as spills on floors, walkways blocked by cords or boxes, electrical, chemical or biological hazards, radiation, working in extreme heat or cold, exposed to loud noise and the list goes on, but our society tends to left out the psychosocial hazards.


Examples of psychosocial hazards are stress, fatigue, bullying, violence, aggression, harassment and burnout, which can be harmful to the health of workers and compromise their wellbeing. Just like any other physical health conditions, mental health condition of each employee should be well taken care of.


A poor mental health and stress can negatively affect an employee’s job performance and productivity, engagement with one’s work, communication with coworkers and physical capability and daily functioning. With that in mind, here are some tips for your workplace safety.

1. Nutritionally Balanced

  • A nutritional balanced meal in the workplace can have a significant impact on overall health and well-being. Nutritious foods can improve concentration and cognitive function, boosting an employee’s workplace performance. It is well documented that employee well-being leads to higher creativity and productivity.

2. Well Hydrated

  • Dehydration can lead to tiredness and poor concentration. Water helps the brain to function effectively and keeps staff alert and energised. This can all lead to improved productivity.

3. Spatial Awareness

  • Make sure to clear walkways, stairs, and lobbies of anything that might be a tripping hazard, such as cords, wires, empty boxes, and clutter. Make sure that floor mats lay flat rather than wrinkled or bunched. Use handrails when you walk up and down steps.

4. After Work Get-Together

  • No matter virtual or physical, having meals with not only among colleagues but also the employer can build a stronger employee relationships as well as increased engagement, inclusiveness, wellness and team morale.

5. Practice Good Cleanliness

  • Electrical hazards Isolators and fuse-box cases should be kept closed and, if possible, locked. Cables, plugs, sockets and fittings must be robust enough and adequately protected for the working environment.

6. Socially Active

  • Have team outings with colleagues are a great way to facilitate bonding with your team members, reduce employee stress, and give them the chance to get to know their hidden talents too!

Minimizing or eliminating workplace hazards need not be time-consuming or even expensive. Being aware of possible hazards can increase productivity, prevent illness, reduce days off and save lives. And you can get started today!  

Benefits of Durian Thu, 19 Oct 2023 01:47:51 +0000

It’s durian season again and some of us have long awaited it! As an exotic fruit, durian is relished for its strong aroma and unique taste. Durian also has been recognized as an important fruit especially for the underlying nutritional attributes of the fruit. While you are enjoying durian, do you know that it actually brings in tons of benefits to our health?

Durian are


  • Rich in polyphenols such as flavonoids (flavanones, flavonols, flavones, flavanols, anthocyanins), phenolic acids (cinnamic acid and hydroxybenoic acid), tannins, and other bioactive components such as carotenoids and ascorbic acid.
  • Beneficially reduces blood glucose and cholesterol levels.
  • Extract possesses anti-proliferative and probiotics effects.
  • Rich in potassium and includes a fair amount of iron, copper and zinc.
  • Rich in macronutrients (sugar and fats), dietary fibers, and bioactive and volatile compounds.
  • Energy dense but low GI food.


Foods For Healthy Muscle Thu, 19 Oct 2023 01:47:05 +0000

The muscle is one of the most important tissues in our body and the skeletal muscle is one of the few tissues classified as a ‘voluntary tissue’ – a tissue in which we can directly control through action and movement. It is not only responsible for our movements and carrying heavy loads, but it also helps blood flow throughout our body. Through the contraction of our muscles during strenuous activities the veins in our muscle compresses, increasing blood flow and ensuring we have the essentials to carry out various functions of the body.

Maintaining healthy muscles can help prevent muscle injuries, muscle loss and other serious illnesses. Therefore, a complete diet can help keep our muscles healthy and ready for action!

Here are a few tips to build and keep healthy muscle.

1. Have breakfast

  • Breakfast provides the energy to build muscle and helps you to stay satiated until yournext meal.
  • Examples: Omelet and cottage cheese

2. Eat more protein

  • Take protein between 0.8 -1g per kg of body weight to help repair tissue.
  • To make your life easier, include an estimated palm-sized portion of protein for every one of your meals.
  • Example: Nut, Egg, Yogurt and Beef.

3. Consume fruits and vegetables

  • Fruits and vegetables provide vitamin, mineral, antioxidants and fiber that aids thedigestion process while maintaining the body’s fluid balance.
  • Example: Banana, raisin, dates.

4. Opt for Healthy Fats

  • Mono-saturated and polysaturated fats are considered good fats because they help to increase the HDL level. Also, increases the production of growth hormones thus kick-starting the buildup of muscle.
  • Example: Olive Oil, Canola Oil, Peanut Oil, Corn Oil, Peanut, Avocado, Fatty fish.

5. Drink more plain water

  • While doing strength exercises, the excretion of sweat, as well as the chances of dehydration increases. Dehydration can lead to impaired muscle recovery and muscle building.
  • Drink 6-8 glass/day.

6. Limit the intake of carbs or restrict to only after workouts

  • Carbs are the main energy supply to our body, but an excess intake can lead to weight gain.
  • Post workout carb consumption can prevent muscle loss while also helping to repair muscle.
  • Choose better carbs like brown rice, potatoes, pasta or quinoa.
BookDoc Empowers TM Leaders: The Role of Corporate Wellness Programs Thu, 19 Oct 2023 01:43:59 +0000 In the dynamic world of corporate leadership, where strategic decisions shape the future of organizations and innovation is the lifeblood of progress, the well-being of management teams and leaders holds immense significance.

Corporate wellness programs have risen to prominence as indispensable tools, delivering a wealth of benefits, particularly tailored to the unique needs of corporate management teams and leaders.

The Importance of Corporate Wellness Programs for Leaders

Leadership within a corporate setting is a demanding role that entails making critical decisions, setting the course, and inspiring the workforce. It’s a role that often involves long hours, high stress, and considerable responsibility.

Therefore, ensuring the health and well-being of corporate leaders is paramount, and corporate wellness programs have become instrumental in this regard. Here’s why:  

1. Boosted Productivity and Performance

Healthy leaders are more productive leaders. Corporate wellness programs encourage physical fitness, mental resilience, and overall well-being. When management teams are in good physical and mental health, they are better equipped to handle stress, make clear-headed decisions, and perform at their peak, setting a positive example for the rest of the organisation.


2. Improved Decision-Making and Creativity

Physical fitness directly influences cognitive function. Regular exercise improves memory, stimulates creativity, and enhances problem-solving abilities. Leaders who actively participate in wellness activities are more likely to approach challenges with innovative solutions, fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth within the management team.


3. Enhanced Employee Engagement and Trust

When leaders visibly engage in wellness programs, they demonstrate their commitment to employee well-being. This fosters trust and loyalty among the workforce, as engaged leaders create engaged teams. Employees who witness their leaders valuing their health are more likely to engage with company wellness initiatives, creating a positive cycle of health-conscious behavior across the organisation.


4. Stress Reduction and Work-Life Balance

Corporate management teams often experience high levels of stress due to their extensive responsibilities. Wellness programs that encompass stress management techniques and work-life balance initiatives provide leaders with valuable tools to effectively cope with stress. Reduced stress levels benefit not only the leaders themselves but also create a more harmonious work environment.


5. Leadership Development and Team Building

Corporate wellness programs offer opportunities for leadership development and team building. Activities such as group fitness challenges, wellness workshops, and team sports encourage camaraderie and collaboration among leaders. These experiences outside the boardroom strengthen interpersonal relationships, foster effective communication, and cultivate a positive leadership culture within the organisation.


BookDoc’s Health & Wellness Webinar for TM’s Management Team

In October, BookDoc organised an engaging wellbeing webinar for TM’s esteemed management team.

The webinar’s theme, “Eat, Move, Thrive: Your Guide to Healthy Eating On The Go,” perfectly encapsulated the need for leaders to excel in their roles while maintaining their health and vitality.

The session aimed to empower TM’s management team with valuable insights into making healthy choices, even amidst their demanding schedules. The webinar provided practical guidance on how to fuel their bodies with the right nutrients and stay active with on-the-go solutions. By addressing the unique challenges that corporate leaders face, the webinar equipped them with the tools to prioritise their health and well-being, even when time is not on their side.

In conclusion, corporate wellness programs are more than a trend; they are a strategic imperative, especially for corporate management teams and leaders. By investing in the well-being of those guiding the organisation, businesses pave the way for a healthier, happier, and more successful future.   Leadership isn’t just about making decisions; it’s about making decisions that prioritise the well-being of the people entrusted to lead. BookDoc’s recent initiative with TM exemplifies the commitment to empowering leadership through well-being.   If you share our passion for creating a vibrant workplace through wellness, let’s talk. Contact us today to learn about our tailored corporate wellness programs. Together, we can embark on a well-being journey, one employee at a time. 🌱💚 Reach out now to make a difference together! 📞 Contact us Jack ( Jowynna ( For more information: please visit this link

Elevating Corporate Wellness: Body Composition Analysis and Nutrition Consultations at the Great Eastern Health Carnival Thu, 19 Oct 2023 01:42:26 +0000

In an age where health takes centre stage, understanding one’s body composition and adopting a balanced nutrition plan are fundamental steps toward a healthier lifestyle. Recognizing this vital need, BookDoc proudly introduced innovative Body Composition Analysis and Nutrition Consultation booths at the Great Eastern Health Carnival, showcasing our commitment to personalized corporate wellness solutions, and offering attendees a holistic approach to well-being.

Body Composition Analysis:

Body Composition Analysis stands as a beacon of knowledge in the realm of health and fitness. It delves beyond mere weight measurement, unraveling the intricate details of one’s physique such as muscle mass and body fat percentage. This insightful analysis lays the foundation for tailored fitness regimes and targeted health strategies. By understanding individual body compositions, employees can make informed decisions, enabling them to achieve their health goals effectively and sustainably.

Why Nutrition Consultation Matters:

Nutrition isn’t just about counting calories; it’s about nourishing your body with the right nutrients. Nutrition Consultation, another cornerstone of our corporate wellness solutions, bridges the gap between dietary habits and optimal health.

Experienced nutritionists assessed employees’ dietary intake, identified possible deficiencies, and offered personalized dietary advice. These consultations empower individuals to make informed choices, ensuring they get the essential nutrients their bodies need. Whether it’s managing weight, boosting energy, or addressing specific health concerns, expert guidance in nutrition is invaluable.

The Impact on Health and Well-being:

The initiatives undertaken by BookDoc exemplify the importance of these services in the corporate wellness landscape. By providing employees with access to accurate body composition analysis and expert nutrition guidance, organizations invest in the long-term health and productivity of their workforce. A healthier workforce is a more engaged, motivated, and resilient workforce. Employees armed with a better understanding of their health are better equipped to manage stress, increase productivity, and contribute positively to their workplace environment.

Great Eastern Mini Health Carnival:

At the Great Eastern Mini Health Carnival, BookDoc’s Body Composition Analysis and Nutrition Consultation booths created a buzz of excitement and curiosity. Employees from various departments had the opportunity to undergo detailed body composition analysis, gaining valuable insights into their health. Paired with one-on-one nutrition consultations, participants received expert advice on improving their dietary habits. These personalized consultations empowered attendees with the knowledge and motivation needed to embark on a transformative wellness journey.

In conclusion, BookDoc’s Body Composition Analysis and Nutrition Consultation booths at the Great Eastern Health Carnival are not merely services; they are an embodiment of our commitment to revolutionise corporate wellness. By embracing these initiatives, organizations acknowledge the individuality of their employees’ health needs. In doing so, they pave the way for a corporate culture where health is not just a priority but a sustainable lifestyle, enhancing the lives of employees and the success of businesses alike.

5-A-Day Checklist for Healthier Life Thu, 02 Dec 2021 18:42:09 +0000

Based on findings by NHMS (2019), only 5% of Malaysians achieve the recommended intake for fruits and vegetables. It is important to consume fruits and vegetables within the recommended intake which aids in weight management and disease prevention.


A serving of vegetables is approximately one cup of raw vegetables or 1/2 cup of cooked vegetables. Meanwhile, for fruits, it is one medium or one slice of any fruit.


Here are some ideas on how to get the most out of five servings a day. Consuming them fresh, frozen, tinned, dried, or even juice it out.

In a nutshell, achieving 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day seems hard at first but knowing the benefits gained from it should be our inspiration to incorporate them into our eating habits. Fruits and vegetables contain combinations of fibre, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals which are vital in maintaining our overall long-term health.
