Zakirah Wan – BookDoc Your Mobile Healthcare Companion Thu, 19 Oct 2023 02:13:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 5-A-Day Checklist for Healthier Life Thu, 02 Dec 2021 18:42:09 +0000

Based on findings by NHMS (2019), only 5% of Malaysians achieve the recommended intake for fruits and vegetables. It is important to consume fruits and vegetables within the recommended intake which aids in weight management and disease prevention.


A serving of vegetables is approximately one cup of raw vegetables or 1/2 cup of cooked vegetables. Meanwhile, for fruits, it is one medium or one slice of any fruit.


Here are some ideas on how to get the most out of five servings a day. Consuming them fresh, frozen, tinned, dried, or even juice it out.

In a nutshell, achieving 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day seems hard at first but knowing the benefits gained from it should be our inspiration to incorporate them into our eating habits. Fruits and vegetables contain combinations of fibre, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals which are vital in maintaining our overall long-term health.

Eat A Rainbow Thu, 18 Nov 2021 23:58:05 +0000

Here are the five main colors that we see in our daily foods.

  • Red

Contain phytochemicals lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that helps to fight free radicals in our body. Previous research has found out that lycopene may help reduce the risk of heart attacks and help against certain cancers.

Example: Strawberries, tomatoes, red bell pepper, chilies, watermelon, cranberries, raspberries, pomegranates

  • Purple and blue

Their unique colour is provided from natural colour pigments called anthocyanins. This phytochemical has been linked to improved brain health, reduced inflammation, and the prevention of cancer and heart disease. Blue and purple fruits and vegetables are extremely beneficial to your memory and promote healthy ageing. This diet also promotes urinary tract health and proper digestion.

Example: Purple cabbage, blueberries, plums, eggplant, blackberries, prune, raisins, grapes, figs

  • Yellow and orange

Rich in beta-cryptoxanthin, beta-carotene, and alpha-carotene will be converted to Vitamin A in our body. Vitamin A is important to our vision, as it promotes healthy immune and reproduction function, as well as skin and bone health.

Example: carrot, pumpkin, orange, pineapple, papaya, yellow bell pepper, banana, mango, corn, lemon, tangerines, sweet potatoes, yellow watermelon, apricots

  • White and brown

White fruits and vegetables get their color from the phytochemicals called anthoxanthins. It is believed that consuming more white and brown fruits have been linked with various health benefits. It helps to lower blood pressure as it is a good source of potassium. Besides that, it keeps our digestive tract healthy, prevents certain cancers notably colorectal cancer, prevents arthritis, and boosts immunity.

Example: Cauliflower, garlic, ginger, mushroom, radish, white dragon fruits, pear, soursop

  • Green

Green vegetables and fruits contain essential nutrients that protect you from cancer and excessive levels of bad cholesterol, as well as control digestion and promote the performance of our immune system.

Example: spinach, mustard green, avocado, kale, cabbage, broccoli, kiwi, green herbs, lettuce, green bell pepper, green chillies, bok choy, asparagus

In a nutshell, a diverse diet is required for our body to function optimally and meet our bodies’ demands. Eating the rainbow requires us to try different coloured fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. While eating more veggies and fruit is usually a good idea, focussing on eating a diversity of colours will boost your intake of different nutrients that will benefit different aspects of your health.

Diet and Mental Health Fri, 22 Oct 2021 08:46:48 +0000

More and more people are suffering from mental health as a result of the covid-19 epidemic. Some groups are more affected than others, including health and frontline workers, students, individuals living alone, and those with pre-existing mental health concerns. Regardless of the problems, it is critical that we all keep sane in this period by talking about things and seeking help if we are struggling. In addition, eating a well-balanced diet might help you enhance your mental health. Here are some foods that you might want to include in your diet.

1. Foods that can boost dopamine hormone (happy hormone) production

Tyrosine is the building block of dopamine. Consuming meals high in tyrosine increases dopamine production, which promotes mood and reduces anxiety.

Example: Dairy foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt, unprocessed meats like beef, chicken, and turkey, eggs, nuts like almonds and walnuts, fruits and vegetables, and dark chocolate.

2. Foods that stimulate the production of serotonin (a mood stabilizer) hormones

Serotonin is derived from tryptophan, an important amino acid that controls anxiety, happiness, and mood. Low levels of the chemical have been associated with depression.

Example: Tofu & soya, salmon, pineapple, milk & cheese, meat & poultry, eggs and nuts and seeds

3. Omega-3 rich food

Omega-3 is well-known for its brain-health benefits. There are three main types of omega-3 fatty acids, which are called ALA, DHA, and EPA. Plant sources of ALA include nuts and seeds, whereas fish, seaweed, and algae supply DHA and EPA fatty acids.

Omega-3 can be obtained naturally from some food such as fish and other seafood especially cold-water fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, and sardines, nuts, and seeds such as flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts, plant oils such as flaxseed oil, soybean oil, and canola oil and from fortified foods such as certain brands of eggs, yogurt, juices, milk, soy beverages, and infant formulas.

One approach to enhance your mental health is to eat a balanced diet. Staying physically active, spending time in nature, avoiding cigarettes and alcohol, and having healthy sleep habits are also important.


Heart-Healthy Food Tue, 21 Sep 2021 07:46:09 +0000

There are several things you can do to help keep your heart healthy and free of illness. You can arrange a yearly checkup, exercise on a daily basis, quit smoking, or take efforts to lower your stress level. However, please be noted that diet can play a vital role in maintaining a healthy heart.

Here are 5 foods you should eat to improve your heart health.

1. Green leafy vegetables

Leafy green vegetables are abundant in vitamin K and nitrates, which can help lower blood pressure and enhance vascular function. According to research, eating more leafy greens is linked to a decreased risk of heart disease.

2. Whole grain

Whole grain is known for its higher fiber content, it may help lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) which then can lower the risk of heart disease.

3. Berries

Berries are high in phytonutrients and soluble fiber, both of which are beneficial to the heart. It is fantastic to try blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries with cereal or yoghurt.

4. Fatty fish and fish oil

Fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, and tuna, are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been widely researched for their heart-healthy benefits. Fatty fish and fish oil are both abundant in omega-3 fatty acids and may help lower risk factors for heart disease such as blood pressure, triglycerides, and cholesterol.

5. Dark chocolate

Antioxidants in dark chocolate, such as flavonoids, can aid to improve heart health. Choose a high-quality dark chocolate with a cocoa level of at least 70% and consume it in moderation to get the benefits of its heart-healthy properties. Antioxidants such as flavonoids are abundant in dark chocolate. It has been linked to a lower risk of coronary heart disease and calcified plaque in the arteries.

All of these items can be beneficial to one’s heart health. However, one of the most basic lifestyle adjustments that will assist your heart is to watch what you eat. These heart-healthy foods, when consumed as part of a nutritious, well-balanced diet, can help maintain your heart in excellent shape and reduce your risk of heart disease.

Tips for Office Workers to Boost Vitamin D Intake Thu, 08 Apr 2021 09:36:52 +0000

Vitamin D, also known as calciferol, is a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin D deficiency is very common, and most people are totally unaware of it. On top of that, many office employees are deficient in vitamin D because they are cooped up in an office from 9 am to 5 pm, and only come out when the sun begins to set.

Let’s look at why vitamin D is important and how you can get more of it naturally.

Vitamin D is a vital nutrient that has a wide range of effects on our body’s system. In the body, activated vitamin D enhances calcium absorption in the body which helps to keep you from developing osteoporosis, a disease that thins and weakens your bones, making them more prone to breaking. Vitamin D is also required by your body for other functions. As calcium is required for proper muscle function, it aids your body in contracting your muscles effectively. Furthermore, vitamin D plays an important role in your immune system and brain function.

How to boost vitamin D for office or other indoor workers:

Take your food to or get some refreshments from any outdoor to obtain some vitamin D from the sun exposure.

When you need a short break from your job, take an afternoon stroll outside in the sun.

Before going to the office, wake up a little earlier and go for brisk morning walk. It helps you to absorb vitamin D while keeping you active!

Try to schedule a meeting outside occasionally. It can help increase productivity because of the change in the venue apart from getting a boost of sunshine and vitamin D.

You can get extra sun exposure and exercise if you park your car further away from the office or walk to and from the train or bus station.

How to Get More Vitamin D from Your Food:

Since milk is fortified with vitamin D, it is an excellent source of this nutrient. This will also aid the body’s absorption of the readily available calcium in milk! Beside milk, vitamin D is often added to other food such as breakfast cereal, yoghurt and orange juice to increase vitamin D intake through one’s diet.

Fatty fish and seafood such as salmon, tuna, sardines, herring, mackerel are some food sources that contain high amounts of vitamin D.

Egg yolks are another good source of vitamin D that you can easily incorporate into your diet.

Just like human, mushrooms can also synthesize their own vitamin D when exposed to sunlight.

Sources suggest that 10 minutes of exposure is sufficient for lighter-skinned individuals to produce adequate vitamin D. Meanwhile, those with darker skin might need to wait a little longer. Although it is important to prevent overexposure to sunlight in order to avoid skin cancer, it only takes a small amount of unprotected sun exposure for your body to begin producing vitamin D.

Many people around the world are deficient in vitamin D. Spending more time in the sun is a healthy way to get your regular dose of vitamin D besides eating vitamin D-rich foods.

Health Benefits of Vitamin C Thu, 04 Mar 2021 09:25:47 +0000

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant which is also known as ascorbic acid. It is a water-soluble vitamin which is essential to enable the body to function properly. It can found in many fruits and vegetables, such as guavas, oranges, strawberries, kiwi fruit, bell peppers, broccoli, kale, and spinach.

However, although it is commonly known that Vitamin C can assist in acting as a booster of the immune system, this vitamin in fact has many other benefits as well. Here are some of them:

  1. Improvement iron absorption from one’s diet
  2. Enhancement of calcium absorption
  3. Prevention and treatment of scurvy
  4. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases
  5. Assistance in lowering hypertension
  6. Support of healthy skin and joint

The many benefits of Vitamin C may be why some people believe that it is a cure for all ills – but if you are sick, do make sure to take your medicine instead!
