wahidah – BookDoc https://qa.bookdoc.com Your Mobile Healthcare Companion Thu, 19 Oct 2023 02:12:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.2 Healthy Eating During This Festive Season https://qa.bookdoc.com/2021/12/13/healthy-eating-during-this-festive-season/ Sun, 12 Dec 2021 22:41:45 +0000 https://qa.bookdoc.com/?p=14417
The festive season is something that everyone looks forward to because of the holidays and it is the time to get together with the family and have a feast together. The good news is you can still eat and drink without overeating by adopting the concept of healthy eating.
Here are 7 tips to enjoy during the festive season without worrying about gaining weight.


1. Practice the Healthy Malaysian eating plate.

2. Opt for lean meat and white meat for protein, with lower fat content.

3. Serve fresh fruits and vegetables as desserts.

4. Use healthy cooking method such as baking, roasting, grilling, boiling, steaming, braising

5. Use high-fiber ingredients such as whole meal flour, oats or fresh fruits when making pastry.

6. Reduce recipes into halves to reduce sugar, salt and fat in your food

7. Limit sweetened beverages to 1-2 drinks in a day.

Slow Down Your Aging Process https://qa.bookdoc.com/2021/11/11/slow-down-your-aging-process/ Thu, 11 Nov 2021 09:01:24 +0000 https://qa.bookdoc.com/?p=14284

Everyone wants to be younger and healthier. But, as we grow older, there will be a lot of changes that happen to our body, for example, becoming frail, turning gray hairs, and progressive decay of dermis. Sadly, aging is a process that all living things need to go through once in a lifetime. Although it is not avoidable but we can actually delay the process by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Aging is caused by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factor is an inevitable physiological process that occurs naturally as a result of increased age, gender, ethnicity and hormones. While extrinsic factor involved with external environment factors such as poor nutrition, air pollution, smoking, sun exposure and list goes on. These factors will increase the release of free radicals to our body which can degrade our cell structure and increase the enzyme activities that lead to breakdown of collagen. Therefore, prevention is needed to slow down the aging process.


Here are 9 tips to slow down aging process:

1. Opt whole grain product

  • Low glycemic index product will not cause a spike blood sugar level
  • Prevent damage to skin cells and soothes skin irritation
  • Oat, barley, brown rice, quinoa, whole meal bread

2. Adequate protein intake

  • For normal people, the minimum requirement of protein intake is 0.8 gram/kg body weight
  • To build and repair our muscles and tissues.

3. Introduce omega-3 fatty acids into your diet

  • To reduce oxidation process and maintain skin moisture.
  • Mackerel, salmon, herring, tuna, anchovy, chia seed oil, flaxseed oil, walnut, canola oil

4. Increase intake of food rich in vitamin C and vitamin E

  • To improve skin elasticity, wrinkles and skin tone
  • Guava, mango, kiwi, avocado, leafy vegetable

5. Eat more carotenoid-rich food

  • A powerful antioxidant help neutralizing the free-radical in our body
  • Help stimulate the regeneration of epidermal to soften the skin
  • Carrot, pumpkin, mango, papaya, watermelon, tomato

6. Limit food high in fat, salt and sugar

  • These addictive substances put extra stress on your body and speed up the aging process.

7. Manage stress level

  • Body will release high amount of cortisol that can break down the skin’s collagen and elastin when it is under stress
  • Try yoga or listen relaxing music

8. Be physical active

  • Minimum of 150 min/week of physical exercise
  • Do brisk-walk, jogging, cycling and strengthening exercise

9. Have a good sleep quality

  • The recommended amount of sleep is between 7-9 hours/day.
  • Help to reduce the stress level and improve our mood.
Boost Your Bone Health https://qa.bookdoc.com/2021/10/15/boost-your-bone-health/ Fri, 15 Oct 2021 06:48:52 +0000 https://qa.bookdoc.com/?p=14154

Bones are important to support our body structure, protect our vital organ and allow us to move. As we grow, our bodies will make new bones faster than the break down of old bones and increasing bone mass. By the time we reach the age of 30, our bones will reach the optimum level of bone mass. Our bones will continue to remodel, but there will be slight loss of bone mass.  Therefore, it is important to prevent the bones from rapid break down.

Here are tips to improve your bone health:

1. Eat food that is rich in calcium
  • Daily recommendation of calcium for adult is 1,000 – 1,200 mg per day.
  • Example of food rich in calcium is milk, broccoli, tofu, sesame seed and sardines
2. Eat food that is rich in vitamin D
  • Vitamin D is important to increase the absorption of calcium from the intestine.
  • Food that contains vitamin D are fish oil, tuna, egg yolk and fortified food.
  • Sunlight also plays an important role for the production of Vitamin D. Spend at least 5-10 minutes outdoor daily.
3. Increase your protein intake
  • Protein intake also helps in preventing bone loss and preserving bone mass.
  • Consume at least 0.8 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight.
4. Do exercise at least 30 minutes per day
  • Do weight bearing exercises such as walking, jogging and climbing and strengthening exercises
5. Limit alcohol intake
  • High intake of alcohol can interfere with the absorption of calcium, vitamin D and hormones.
6. Quit smoking
  • Smoking is one of the risk factors for bone loss
You Know What The Magic Number Means? https://qa.bookdoc.com/2021/09/13/you-know-what-the-magic-number-means/ Mon, 13 Sep 2021 02:29:31 +0000 https://qa.bookdoc.com/?p=14099
High blood pressure, also known as Hypertension is a “silent killer” disease because it may show no symptom but would likely put you at high risk for heart disease, heart failure and stroke.  In Malaysia, four out of ten adults aged ≥ 30 years have hypertension. There are approximately 50% of the people who are aware that they have been diagnosed with hypertension but only a third of those who have been treated are able to control their high blood pressure.

Magic Number of Blood Pressure is 120/80

Why Is It Significant for You?

It is important to know the range of blood pressure as you can take the necessary action to prevent it.
  Normal At Risk High
Systolic Less than 120 mmHg 130-139 mmHg Over 140 mmHg
Diastolic Less than 80 mmHg Less 80-89 mmHg Over 90 mmHg

*”at risk” and “high” is diagnosed as prehypertension and hypertension.

Risk factor and cause of high blood pressure.

1. Obesity

  • Aim for a healthy body mass index between 18 -25. Minimize the intake of fats and lean protein.

2. Age

  • 20 % of adult between ages 24 to 32 is highly affected.

3. Gender

  • Men have a higher chance at HTN as compared to women.

4. Smoking

  • Quitting smoking can prevent clogged arteries.

5. Alcohol intake

  • Limit alcohol intake to 1-2 drink per day.

6. Sodium intake

  • Reduce salt intake to less than 5 g/day (1 teaspoon)

7. Sedentary

  • Being physically active at least 30 minutes daily.

8. Stress and Anxiety 

  • Have a quality and enough sleep
Effects of Caffeine on Children https://qa.bookdoc.com/2021/04/29/effects-of-caffeine-on-children/ Thu, 29 Apr 2021 03:42:37 +0000 https://qa.bookdoc.com/?p=13951

Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and other food and drinks. It is defined as a drug because it stimulates the central nervous system. Caffeine affects kids and adults similarly and, at low levels, can make people feel more alert and energetic.

It is wise to keep caffeine consumption to a minimum. This is especially so for younger kids, as they are smaller in body size, meaning that it takes less caffeine to impact their functioning. Here are some reasons for why caffeine consumption should be limited for children.


  • Drinking coffee in large quantities will cause cavities in children due to the acidity level of the coffee. The teeth of children are weaker than the teeth of adult individuals, and the acid in coffee would more easily be able to damage tooth enamel, thus increasing their risk of cavities.

2.Bone deterioration factors in children

  • High caffeine content will deplete the calcium that is needed for a child’s bone growth from their body. For every 100 mg of caffeine digested, 6mg calcium is lost.

3.Increase in weight

  • Caffeine use, in particular in the form of sugar-sweetened carbonated beverages, is associated with higher incidence of overweight in children. One study reported that for every additional serving of sugar-sweetened beverages consumed daily, there is a 60% increase in the odds of becoming obese.


  • Coffee will certainly cause your child to become hyperactive. Children who drink coffee will have difficulty paying attention and are often restless, and the effects of caffeine will last for hours. This negatively impacts the learning of children who drink coffee while at school.


  • Children aged 5 to 12 need at least 11 hours of sleep a day but studies have shown that moderate to high consumers of caffeine experience more disturbed and interrupted sleep.

So, is it possible to keep your kid caffeine-free? The answer is yes. You can start by gradually cutting it back and replacing caffeinated beverages with milk, or fruit juice. And remember to also watch out for hidden caffeine by checking the ingredient lists for foods and beverages!

Ways To Hack Hunger While Fasting https://qa.bookdoc.com/2021/04/22/ways-to-hack-hunger-while-fasting/ Thu, 22 Apr 2021 07:03:51 +0000 https://qa.bookdoc.com/?p=13929
We tend to feel hungry when fasting. Here are tips on Healthy Eating to make your day full of energy and productive.

Eat well-balanced meals and avoid overeating.

Follow the Malaysian Healthy Plate diet during Sahur and iftar

Consume foods high in fibre, protein and complex carbohydrates

For longer satiety and energy

Choose low-sodium foods for your meal

To avoid thirst during fasting

Limit your intake of spicy and oily food

To avoid experiencing an upset stomach or indigestion

Limit your intake of caffeine and sugary drinks

To avoid dehydration and excessive calorie intake

Healthy Ramadhan Fasting https://qa.bookdoc.com/2021/04/15/healthy-ramadhan-fasting/ Thu, 15 Apr 2021 04:06:31 +0000 https://qa.bookdoc.com/?p=13834

The month of Ramadhan is a great opportunity to focus on bringing back a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Through fasting, you learn how to manage your eating habits and improve self-discipline. However, for some people, fasting for a whole month can be a challenge as you may experience certain dietary discomforts due to the change in your eating routine. Keep this routine in mind to minimize any discomfort:


Sahoor with whole grains paired with healthy fats and proteins, as well as fruits and veggies


Stay hydrated by drinking at least 2 litres of water before Sahoor and after Iftar


Plan your meal for Iftar with Balance, Moderation and Variety


Keep moving by planning at least 15-30 minutes of activity daily


Break your fast gently with dates, fruits or nuts

Group of medical staff carrying health related icons

Understand your health conditions

6 ways to Love your Heart https://qa.bookdoc.com/2021/03/30/6-ways-to-love-your-heart/ Tue, 30 Mar 2021 04:09:03 +0000 https://qa.bookdoc.com/?p=13779

According to the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH), cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in MOH hospitals. Here are some tips on how to prevent heart disease and love your heart before it is too late.

Don't smoke or use tobacco

Get moving at least 30 to 60 minutes of activity daily

Eat a heart-healthy diet

Maintain a healthy weight

Manage your stress

Get regular health screenings

Mama Makes A Liquid Gold https://qa.bookdoc.com/2021/03/19/mama-makes-a-liquid-gold/ Fri, 19 Mar 2021 08:15:16 +0000 https://qa.bookdoc.com/?p=13762

Breastfeeding or nursing is a mother feeds her infant with breast milk and it provides complete nutrition for the infant. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends breastfeeding your infant exclusively for their first 6 month. Exclusive breastfeeding means that the infants is only fed breast milk, without additional food.

Infants aged 6 months and above may be gradually introduced to solid food in their diet, with or without continued breastfeeding until the baby’s first year. Normally, newborns feed every 2-3 hours; the time of feeding would then increase with their age. Infants at 2 months of age commonly feed 3-4 hour, while infants 6 months and above feed every 4-5 hour.

There are 3 types of breast milk which are produced during breastfeeding session- Colostrum, Foremilk and Hind milk.

Breast Milk


The first type of milk produced after the baby’s birth. It thick, yellowish in color, small in volume and last long for a few days only. It provides important nutrients and antibodies that baby needs. It is recommended at this stage that breastfeeding be done early and frequent at least 8 to 12 times every 24 hours to ensure that the baby receives the full benefits of this breastmilk.


The milk which is produced when breastfeeding or pumping session. It is thinner, more watery, low in fat and high in lactose. Lactose is vital for the development of brain and central nervous system. It is also prebiotic agent and assists with absorption of calcium and iron.


It is produced at the end of the breastfeeding session, and is thick and creamier. It contains high fat and calorie content, which is important for the baby’s growth.

“Bottles fill his stomach, but breastfeeding fills his soul”. Therefore, the decision is on mother on how to breastfed the baby.

Fiber in Foods: Looking to Add More to Your Diet? https://qa.bookdoc.com/2021/03/11/fiber-in-foods-looking-to-add-more-to-your-diet/ Thu, 11 Mar 2021 04:45:59 +0000 https://qa.bookdoc.com/?p=13713

Are you aware that dietary fiber can keep you full, help you to lose weight, and improve your overall health? By using these tips to add more fiber to your diet, you can both look and feel your best.

What is Fiber?

  • Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest. Though most carbohydrates are broken down into sugar molecules, fiber cannot be broken down into sugar molecules. Instead, it passes through the body undigested.
  • Fiber helps regulate the body’s use of sugars, helping to keep hunger and blood sugar in check.

Fiber comes in two varieties, both beneficial to health:

  • Insoluble fiber

which does not dissolve in water and can help food move through your digestive system, promoting regularity and helping prevent constipation. Foods with insoluble fibers include wheat, whole wheat bread, whole grain couscous, brown rice, legumes, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes.

  • Soluble fiber

which dissolves in water and can help lower glucose levels as well as help lower blood cholesterol. Foods with soluble fiber include oatmeal, nuts, beans, lentils, apples and blueberries.

Here, some tips for increasing fiber intake:

  • Eat whole fruits instead of drinking fruit juices.
  • Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole-grain products.
  • For breakfast, choose cereals that have whole grain as their first ingredient.
  • Substitute beans or legumes for meat two to three times per week in chilli and soups.
  • Read nutrition product labels and choose products that have higher fiber content.

However, keep in mind that increasing fiber intake should be done in stages to avoid side effect to your stomach, such as flatulence and bloating because of a sudden increase in fiber intake.
